DSH 867 Heated part
http://decisions.iecee.org/icons/ecblank.gif DSH 867
Heated part
60598-1(ed.3);am1 & 60598-1(ed.4);am1 & 60598-1(ed.5) & 60598-1(ed.6);am1 & 60598-1(ed.7)
Clause 4.15 requires that covers, shades and similar parts not withstanding the 650°C glow wire test, shall be at a distance of 30 mm from the heated part. How should we define a heated part? Is a 3 W “candle looking” glimmer lamp considered to be a heated part? If no, can we decide a limit for incandescent lamps considered to be heated parts, e.g. more than 15 W?
Light sources, ballasts and transformers are regarded as heated parts.