小米 发表于 2012-9-12 13:45

DSH 464 Terminals for external conductors

http://decisions.iecee.org/icons/ecblank.gif DSH 464

Terminals for external conductors

Standard: IEC 60335-1:1976, 2nd Ed.
Sub clause: 26.7
Sheet No. DSH-464
Subject: Terminals for external conductors
Key words: - pillar terminals
Decision taken at the 40th CTL meeting 2003
For terminals of the pillar type fulfilling the requirements of IEC 60998-1, can the
requirements in IEC 335-1:1991 be used instead of the requirements in IEC 335-1:1976?
See question.
The requirements for terminals of the pillar type as specified in IEC 335-1:1991 can be used
instead of those in IEC 335-1:1976.

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