小米 发表于 2012-9-12 14:25

DSH 460 Components

http://decisions.iecee.org/icons/ecblank.gif DSH 460


Standard: IEC 60335-1:1976, 2nd Ed.
Sub clause: 24.1
Sheet No. DSH-460
Subject: Components
Key words: - switches
Decision taken at the 40th CTL meeting 2003
What requirements should be applied to switches?
See question.
A switch not previously tested for compliance with IEC61058 (or CEE 24) shall be
examined and tested completely in accordance with the requirements of IEC 335-1,
including Appendix ZA, which requires tests on 3 samples.
A switch previously tested and found to comply with IEC 61058 (or CEE 24 including
Amendments 1 up to and including 4) and which covers its application in the appliance shall
be accepted without any further testing other than that which occurs as a result of the
specified appliance tests.

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