Melodymg 发表于 2012-9-12 16:48

UL 982中关于电源的爬电距离和电气间隙

UL982中CL 19.4 The spacing between wiring terminals (see 12.2.1) of opposite polarity, and the spacing between a
wiring terminal and any other uninsulated metal part (dead or alive) not of the same polarity, shall not be
less than 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) between terminals and other uninsulated metal parts not always of the same
polarity (applies to the sum of the spacings involved where an isolated dead part is interposed).
另外,60335中对于保护阻抗要两个Y电容,UL982中电源会有这个要求吗?关于这个电源有哪些要注意的地方请 各位指点下?
该产品做的是UL 982.

山炮 发表于 2012-9-13 13:20


craigyu 发表于 2012-9-13 14:22

如果带电件都不可触及, 就不用判断初次级不用管绝缘什么的, 大概功能绝缘考虑一下就够了.
982里没这概念, 就是楼主写的那段考虑下就行了.

如果带电件有可触及, 再另外考虑

Melodymg 发表于 2012-9-14 16:12

craigyu 发表于 2012-9-13 14:22 static/image/common/back.gif
如果带电件都不可触及, 就不用判断初次级不用管绝缘什么的, 大概功能绝缘考虑一下就够了.

现在的问题是带电部件有手可以触及的地方,低压控制端 有暴露的导体,这样的话肯定要求可靠的隔离,初次级间6.4mm , 初次级间Y电容需要两个么?

plmijb 发表于 2012-9-15 15:44

the spacing between uninsulated live parts of opposite polarity,uninsulated live parts and a dead metal part that is exposed to contact by persons or that may be grounded, and uninsulated live parts and uninsulated (or not acceptably insulated) parts in the secondary circuit, shall not be less than the value indicated in Table 19.1.
查你的產品是否需要有雙重絕緣,如不需要的話,在UL產品中,一個Y電容應是可以的。PCB 引線腳間的距離也不要6.4mm

plmijb 发表于 2012-9-15 15:51

另外:19.12 A printed wiring board with spacings between opposite polarity circuits (other than a low-voltage circuit, see 19.3) less than those required is acceptable provided that the spacings:

maodouer 发表于 2018-3-8 14:43

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