PDSH 956 Ordinary lighting chains
http://decisions.iecee.org/icons/ecblank.gif PDSH 956
Ordinary lighting chains
20.6.2 c)
IEC 60598-2-20/2010
Subclause(s): 20.6.2 c)
No. Year PDSH 0956 2010
Category: LITE Developed by: ETF5 OSM/LUM
Ordinary lighting chains
Key words:
- IP 20
- Lighting chain
- For indoor use only
- IEC 60417, N° 5957
To be approved at the 49th CTL Plenary Meeting, in 2012
For a lighting chain for indoor use only, what marking regarding degree of protection against dust and
moisture is applicable? What IP marking is applicable?
The marking on the label should be for “indoor use only” or the symbol for indoor use, according to IEC
60417, N° 5957. If symbol is used, it should be explained in the instructions.