DSH 446 Protection of users
http://decisions.iecee.org/icons/ecblank.gif DSH 446
Protection of users
IEC 60950, 3rd ed.
Sub clause:
Sheet No.
Protection of users
Key words:
Antenna, voltage surge test
Decision taken at the
40th meeting 2003
For protection of users and service persons from transients and voltage surges, what are the appropriate
requirements between the following points for ITE connected to an external antenna:
(a) antenna connection and Primary circuits?
(b) antenna connection and SELV circuits when the antenna cabling is coax?
(c) Antenna connection and SELV circuits when the antenna cabling is unshielded twisted pair
See attached diagram.
Since Clause 7 is in IEC 60950-1, but is not in IEC 60950 3rd Ed, the requirements cannot be used for the 3rd
This decision applies to IEC 60950-1 3rd edition.
In the case of IEC 60950 3rd edition sub clause 10.1 of IEC 60065 6th edition is to be applied, by referring to
IEC Guide 112 2nd edition "Guide on the safety of multimedia equipment".
Although, the test of 10.1 to IEC 60065 requires test between the terminal for the connection to antenna and
Mains supply Terminals, and not between the terminal for the connection to antenna and SELV.