DSH 593 New glow wire test requirments (650 C) for parts close to contacts
http://decisions.iecee.org/icons/ecblank.gif DSH 593
New glow wire test requirments (650 C) for parts close to contacts
Clause of IEC 60947-1 Clause 21.1.5 of IEC 61058-1
61058-1(ed.3) & 60947-1(ed.4)
Standard(s)- (year and edition):
IEC 60947-1:2004 IEC 61058-1:2000
Sub clause(s):
Clause of IEC 60947-1 Clause 21.1.5 of IEC 61058-1
Sheet n°:
DSH 593
New glow wire test requirements (650 °C) for parts close to contacts
Key words:
- glow wire
Decision approved by the 44th CTL meeting 2007
Due to the new requirements of 60947-1:2004, parts close to contacts are subject to glow wire test performed at temperature of 650 °C. Is a glow wire test necessary for the green part (figure 1) or isn’t a glow wire test required for this part?
Although the green part (figure 1) of this switch is mechanically separated from the contact element, the glow wire test should be done with 650 °C. During normal operation, the switching element and the contact element are mounted together. Due to this fact and the relatively large amount of material, a test should be done.