小米 发表于 2012-11-7 19:17

DSH 590 Rule for creepage across grooves and similar surface discontinuities

http://decisions.iecee.org/icons/ecblank.gif DSH 590

Rule for creepage across grooves and similar surface discontinuities
IEC60664-1: 1992 cl. 4.2 IEC60335-1: 1991 Annex E IEC60335-1: 2001 Cl. 29 IEC60730-1: 1999 Annex B IEC60950: 1999 Annex F IEC60950-1: 2001 Annex F IEC60065: 2005 Annex E IEC61010-1: 2002 Annex C IEC60601-1: 1988 Notes Figs 39-47 IEC61558-1: 1988 Annex A IEC61058-1: 2000 Annex A IEC60598-1: 2003 - IEC60745-1: 2001 Annex A IEC61008-1: 2002 Annex B IEC60947-1: 2004 Annex G
60335-1(ed.4) & 61058-1(ed.3) & 60598-1(ed.6) & 61010-1(ed.2) & 60950-1(ed.1) & 60947-1(ed.4) & 61008-1(ed.2);am1 & 60065(ed.7);am1 & 60664-1(ed.1)

Standard: IEC 60664-1/1992
IEC 60335-1/2001
IEC 61010-1/2002
IEC 61058-1/2000
IEC 61008-1/2002
IEC 60947-1/2004
IEC 60598-1/2003
IEC 60065/2005
IEC 60950-1/2001
Sub clause:
See Table below
DSH N°: 590
Page: 1(1)
Subject: Rule for creepage across
grooves and similar
surface discontinuities
Key words:
- Creepage
- Grooves
- Conducting path
- Shortest distance
- Through air
Decision approved
by the CTL during
its 43rd meeting in
Question: As can be seen from examples 2 and 6 of IEC 60664-1 sub clause 4.2 corners
with angles greater or equal than 90 degrees are not bridged. IEC 60664-1 does
not contain specific information at which angle less than 90 degrees bridging
shall be applied. Some of the above mentioned standards specify that bridging
shall be applied for angles less than 80 degrees.
Can this 80 degree rule be applied in general for all standards?
Decision: Yes. The 80 degree rule shall be applied in general for all standards.

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