小米 发表于 2012-11-8 15:09

DSH 590/06 Temperature of supports for transformers IP 00

http://decisions.iecee.org/icons/ecblank.gif DSH 590/06

Temperature of supports for transformers IP 00

Standard(s): IEC 61558-1/1997
Sub clause(s): 14.2
Sheet N°: 590/06
Page: 1(1)
Subject(s): Temperature of supports
for transformers IP 00
Key words:
- Temperature of
- IP 00
Decision confirmed
at 44th CTL meeting
Question: Note 1 of clause 14.2 states: “ In the case of transformers with a protection index
IP00, the temperature of the support is measured, but the values given in tables 1
and 3 are not considered”.
Does this mean that the temperature of the support must always be given in the
TRF as an informative value?
Decision: Yes.

页: [1]
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