binbinbug 发表于 2013-1-15 11:58

本帖最后由 binbinbug 于 2013-1-15 12:10 编辑

The testing organization is held liable only for the tests it conducted, and its report based on the tested sample(s).
The applicant shall not make the test report or any of its contents or results available to external party or parties without the written agreement from the testing organization.
1. 负责印的祖体,不寺报告,而寺你们机构,羊控告你们机构,而不寺那份报告;
2. 羊们的知识惨权意寺比较高,不仅仅是“不当宣传”,甚至是拥有未经授权的副本,也是非法得。担介又解释不鸟它们让供应商提供报告给它们看的行为。因为供应商是合同委托方,拥有报告所有权。

binbinbug 发表于 2013-1-16 12:53

本帖最后由 binbinbug 于 2013-1-16 14:03 编辑

... It is not allowed to make use of the report or any of its contents for marketing and/or promotional purposes without the written agreement from the testing organization.
意译It is not allowed to make use of our identity or its extensions, such as but not limited to, company name, logo, report number, for the purpose of marketing and promotion, prior to our written agreement.即未经我司书面同意,不得引用我司身份或其任何外延,例如,但不仅是公司名称、标识、报告号码,进行宣传或促销。
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