ASTM D 5276
ASTM D5276 所采用的跌落机跌落面钢板厚20mm请问钢板下是水泥地还是软垫? 水泥地板呀 jjlamshushushu 发表于 2013-8-22 08:35 static/image/common/back.gif水泥地板呀
ASTM D5276 请问引用处在那一章节?
跌落表面规定5.1.5.1 The impact surface shall be of concrete, stone, or
steel. If the dropping surface is a steel plate, it must be at least
1⁄2 in. (13 mm) thick and must be anchored firmly to the mass
并未提到钢板下可放何种材质 我也疑问,请指教