ErP of Computer and sever
EN No 617/2013是否2014/7/1已經強制? 已經有做過了嗎?平板電腦(大於9inches and Idle state power大於6W)是否可歸類在裡面,USB 端口供電的, 會配適配器。 自己回復自己下:
1. 若viewable diagonal screen size 大於9 inches 且 Idle state power demand 大於 6W,則要符合EU No 617/2013 Computer and sever(此指令2014 /07/01 強制)
2. 若viewable diagonal screen size 小於 9 inches 或 Idle power demand 小於 6W, 則不在EU No 617/2013 的Scope內, 但要符合 EU No 1275/2008.
在EU No 1275/2008 中又有幾種情況:
1. 若Slate computer 不帶電源出售測試無需考慮, 則也可以不用符合 EU No 1275/2008.
2. 若帶電源出售, 電源Label 上的標示: 輸出電壓小於 6V 且 輸出電流大於 550mA, 則也可以不用符合 EU No 1275/2008.
1. Slate computer 若viewable diagonal screen size(可視屏幕的對角線尺寸小於) 22.86 cm(9 inches),and / orIdle state power demand (開機,系統穩定后時的消耗功率)小於6W。
2. 不帶適配器出售, 或 適配器輸出電壓小於 6V 且 輸出電流大於 550mA
同時滿足上面兩個條件就可以不用符合ErP。 有见过平板的测试报告,这个应该属于Erp lot3,测试标准参考的是EN62623-2013,跟Energy star5.2的要求基本一样,公式也一样,增加了sleep跟off mode状态下功率单独的限制。另外tablet是划在notebook的范畴里的 平板Erp lot3报告 热爱学习 发表于 2015-1-15 16:10 static/image/common/back.gif
平板Erp lot3报告
謝謝 分享 kamiyo86 发表于 2015-1-15 15:44 static/image/common/back.gif
1. 若viewable diagonal screen size 大於9 inches 且 Idle state power demand 大於 ...
1. Slate computer 若viewable diagonal screen size(可視屏幕的對角線尺寸小於) 22.86 cm(9 inches),and / orIdle state power demand (開機,系統穩定后時的消耗功率)小於6W。
2. 不帶適配器出售, 或 適配器輸出電壓小於 6V 且 輸出電流大於 550mA
请帮忙告知以上出处为何?感谢 热爱学习 发表于 2015-3-16 12:34 static/image/common/back.gif
1. Slate computer 若viewable diagonal screen size(可視屏幕的對角線尺寸小於) 22.86 cm(9 inches) ...
1) EU No 617/2013
(7) ‘Notebook computer’ means a computer designed specifically for portability and to be operated for extended periods of time either with or without a direct connection to an AC power source. Notebook computers utilise an integrated display, with a viewable diagonal screen size of at least 22,86 cm (9 inches), and are capable of operation on an integrated battery or other portable power source.
Notebook computers also include the following subtypes:
(a) ‘Tablet computer’ means a product which is a type of notebook computer that includes both an attached touch-sensitive display and an attached physical keyboard;
(b) ‘Slate computer’ means a type of notebook computer that includes an integrated touch-sensitive display but does not have a permanently attached physical keyboard;
Products that would otherwise meet the definition of notebook computer but have idle state power demand of less than 6 W are not considered to be notebook computers for the purposes of this Regulation.
2)出自Guidelines accompanying Commission Regulation (EU) No 617_2013 (June 2014) 热爱学习 发表于 2015-3-16 12:34 static/image/common/back.gif
1. Slate computer 若viewable diagonal screen size(可視屏幕的對角線尺寸小於) 22.86 cm(9 inches) ...
1) EU No 617/2013
(7) ‘Notebook computer’ means a computer designed specifically for portability and to be operated for extended periods of time either with or without a direct connection to an AC power source. Notebook computers utilise an integrated display, with a viewable diagonal screen size of at least 22,86 cm (9 inches), and are capable of operation on an integrated battery or other portable power source.
Notebook computers also include the following subtypes:
(a) ‘Tablet computer’ means a product which is a type of notebook computer that includes both an attached touch-sensitive display and an attached physical keyboard;
(b) ‘Slate computer’ means a type of notebook computer that includes an integrated touch-sensitive display but does not have a permanently attached physical keyboard;
Products that would otherwise meet the definition of notebook computer but have idle state power demand of less than 6 W are not considered to be notebook computers for the purposes of this Regulation.
2)出自Guidelines accompanying Commission Regulation (EU) No 617_2013 (June 2014) 各位大神:EU No 617/2013lowest power mode 限值是0.5W,且只有当EUT是与mains 相连时EUT必须要有lowest power mode。那像Notebook是通过电源适配器与mains相连,是不是可以不于满足lowest power mode。Notebook很多人会把off mode功率用lowest power mode判,但是off mode功率往往会大于0.5W。 热爱学习 发表于 2015-3-16 12:34
1. Slate computer 若viewable diagonal screen size(可視屏幕的對角線尺寸小於) 22.86 cm(9 inches) ...