我们有个菲律宾的客户说需要我们产品做"ICC"认证,不太明白ICC,网上查,好象也不是什么安规认证呀,麻烦有谁知道告诉我,谢谢! http://www.ul-ccic.com/DocLibDocument/philippines_image001_574.gifICC:进口商品清关证
The Philippines
Electrical safety of products
This Consumer Act of the Philippines was established to evaluate the quality, safety, performance and comparative utility of consumer products, as well as protect the public against unreasonable risks to injury associated with consumer products. The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has delegated the Bureau of Product Standards (BPS) as the Nations Standards Body. BPS regulates more than 100 products and has classified a voluntary and mandatory certification scheme. For products under mandatory certification, all import shipments are subject to the BPS product certification scheme, called Import Commodity Clearance Scheme, and require the ICC Mark.
Quality certification from BPS/DTI is mandatory before the products are distributed in the market. For products under voluntary certification, quality certification from BPS/DTI is not compulsory. However, compliance with the requirements of the applicable standard(s) is mandatory. Of the more than 120 products under the BPS product certification scheme, more than 60 require mandatory certification and another 60 are under voluntary certification.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
There are currently no mandatory EMC requirements for electrical products in the Philippines.
Medical devices
The Food Drug and Cosmetic Act was established to ensure safety and quality of foods, drugs, cosmetics and devices, as well as to regulate the production, sale, and traffic of these. The Bureau of Food and Drug Administration (BFAD) regulates all invasive medical devices, and all radiation-emitting devices must be registered with the Department of Health's Radiation Health Office. Registration and certification involves applications, letters, submitting product samples for testing, detailed product information, etc.
Hazardous locations
Currently, the Philippines does not have mandatory requirements in place for equipment intended for hazardous locations.
The Public Telecommunications Policy Act governs the public telecommunications sector and regulates all telecommunications products. The main regulatory authority for telecommunication and broadcast industries is the National Telecommunication Commission (NTC). NTC is directly involved with regulation and certification of all telecom products, which are subject to Type Approval from NTC. This Type Approval includes applications; evaluations and testing at an NTC-accredited lab; and labeling requirements.
http://www.angui.org/html/12/0/56/1.htm 我看了下资料,ICC是菲律宾的EMC强制认证,那我想问下:
我的产品是便携式DVD和液晶TV,电源是外置的,这个杂强制范围内吗?谢谢! 谢谢以上两位,但我的另外一个问题麻烦帮忙解决下,谢谢喽! 我觉得小国家认证现在还可以 出菲律賓的speaker是否需要強制申請EMC,我們有配外接adapter?謝謝,急