明天我 发表于 2017-3-2 14:09



Nezof 发表于 2017-3-2 16:30


rick.xiao 发表于 2017-3-2 18:26


明天我 发表于 2017-3-3 09:00

rick.xiao 发表于 2017-3-2 18:26 static/image/common/back.gif
还有在ITE设备中 ...

如果使用的是220V电压,但是电流才0.7ma 这样可以接触吗

明天我 发表于 2017-3-3 09:00

Nezof 发表于 2017-3-2 16:30 static/image/common/back.gif

如果使用的是220V电压,但是电流才0.7ma 这样可以接触吗

305634483 发表于 2017-3-3 09:10


明天我 发表于 2017-3-3 09:50

305634483 发表于 2017-3-3 09:10 static/image/common/back.gif

如果使用的是220V电压,但是电流才0.7ma 这样可以接触吗

rick.xiao 发表于 2017-3-3 09:53

你所说的使用220V但电流限制0.7mA是哪类的产品?在IEC 60950-1标准的LCC章节定义中,电压并不是最终决定因素,而是需要考量该电压的环境就是:与LCC电路的连接须符合Clause 2.4.3前提下,该LCC电路的分类和测量方式下不超过Clause 2.4.2规定限值的,才是人体可以直接触摸的。

2.4 Limited current circuits
2.4.2 Limit values
For frequencies not exceeding 1 kHz, the steady-state current drawn through a non-inductive
resistor of 2 000 Ω ± 10 % connected between any two parts of a LIMITED CURRENT CIRCUIT, or
between any such part and earth (see 1.4.9), shall not exceed 0,7 mA peak, or 2 mA d.c.
For frequencies above 1 kHz, the limit of 0,7 mA is multiplied by the value of the frequency in
kilohertz but shall not exceed 70 mA peak.
Alternatively, it is permitted to use the measuring instruments of Annex D instead of the noninductive
resistor of 2 000 Ω ± 10 % mentioned above.

2.4.3 Connection of limited current circuits to other circuits
LIMITED CURRENT CIRCUITS are permitted to be supplied from or connected to other circuits,
provided that the following conditions are met:
− the LIMITED CURRENT CIRCUIT meets the limits of 2.4.2 under normal operating conditions;
− the LIMITED CURRENT CIRCUIT continues to meet the limits of 2.4.2 in the event of a single
failure of any component or insulation in the LIMITED CURRENT CIRCUIT, or of any component
or insulation in t he other circuit to which it is connected.
If a LIMITED CURRENT CIRCUIT is connected to one or more other circuits, the LIMITED CURRENT
CIRCUIT is that part which complies with the requirements of 2.4.1.

在IEC 60950-1的限流电路(也就是LCC)的一般适用情形:

明天我 发表于 2017-3-3 10:06

rick.xiao 发表于 2017-3-3 09:53 static/image/common/back.gif
你所说的使用220V但电流限制0.7mA是哪类的产品?在IEC 60950-1标准的LCC章节定义中,电压并不是最终决定因素 ...


305634483 发表于 2017-3-3 10:36

明天我 发表于 2017-3-3 09:50 static/image/common/back.gif
如果使用的是220V电压,但是电流才0.7ma 这样可以接触吗
If protective impedance is used, the current between the part and the supply source shall
not exceed 2 mA for d.c., its peak value shall not exceed 0,7 mA for a.c. and
– for voltages having a peak value over 42,4 V up to and including 450 V, the capacitance
shall not exceed 0,1 μF;
– for voltages having a peak value over 450 V up to and including 15 kV, the discharge shall
not exceed 45 μC;
– for voltages having a peak value over 15 kV, the energy in the discharge shall not exceed
350 mJ.
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