tl060728 发表于 2008-4-17 11:07

LED 埋地灯GS 证书认证



lynn305 发表于 2008-4-17 11:45

"配套的变压器防护等级是IP44,所以整灯防护等级只能是IP44" 请问变压器是外置的吧, 若是则这个判定是正确的. 因为在EN60598-1中有以下说明.
9.2 Tests for ingress of dust, solid objects and moisture
The enclosure of a luminaire shall provide the degree of protection against ingress of dust,
solid objects and moisture in accordance with the classification of the luminaire and the IP
number marked on the luminaire.
NOTE The tests for the ingress of dust, solid objects and moisture specified in this standard are not all identical to
the tests in IEC 60529 because of the technical characteristics of luminaires. An explanation of the IP numbering
system is given in Annex J.
Compliance is checked by the appropriate tests specified in 9.2.0 to 9.2.9, and for other IP
ratings by the appropriate tests specified in IEC 60529.
Before the tests for second characteristic numeral, with the exception of IPX8, the luminaire
complete with lamp(s) shall be switched on and brought to a stable operating temperature at
rated voltage.
The water for the tests shall be at a temperature of 15 °C ± 10 °C.
Luminaires shall be mounted and wired as in normal use and placed in the most unfavourable
position, complete with their protective translucent covers, if any, for the tests of 9.2.0 to 9.2.9.
Where connection is made by a plug or a similar device then this shall be regarded as part of
the complete luminaire and shall be included in the tests and similarly for any separate
上文大意是若用插头,电线之类连接电源, 则应在IP测试中一起测试,并有相应的IP等级.
个人理解,若埋地灯整灯只有IP44的等级, 而灯部分能达到IP65,除非你在说明书中要求客户只能

tl060728 发表于 2008-4-17 18:28

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