欧洲法院(European Court of Justice,ECJ)发布公告,宣布于2008年7月1日起,禁止在电子电气产品中使用阻燃剂-----十溴联苯醚(Deca-BDE)此前,欧盟委员会(European Commission)将十溴联苯醚列为RoHS指令(2002/95/EC)豁免项目,但2006年欧洲议会(European Parliament)和丹麦获得其他会员国的支持,在法庭上提出, 他们相信市场上可以找到更为安全的十溴联苯醚替代品。
欧洲法院裁定,2005年公布的豁免项目存在程序上的疏忽,因此废除委员会决议2005/717/EC(欧盟2002/95/EC----RoHS指令修订版)第二项第9a对聚合物中十溴联苯醚豁免,此项豁免只能延续到2008年6月30日 有没有官方文件? 是真的话, 又是一个大麻烦. 各位看一下权威够不够。http://www.intertek-labtest.com.cn/(S(ayukay55nmzaf4v2quqrusqm))/resource/ind/CN-110.aspx
http://www.intertek.com.cn/resource/ind/img/CN-110.jpg 哪里可以找到官方文件? 大家以后如何解释产品是否符合ROHS,是否含有十溴联苯醚。请问SGS报告上的PBDES总溴包含了所有的溴。从1到10的溴都包含了。你们的SGS报告上写了没有? 溴系產品科學環保學會(BSEF)日前宣佈,歐洲法庭已於4月1日判定,一項在2005年給予防火耐燃劑──十溴二苯醚(Deca-BDE)在RoHS指令中的豁免被取消。此決定是因為程序錯誤而導致的結果,而不是缺乏科學上的支持或防火效能的數據。
對此BSEF主席Michael Spiegelstein表示,這是一個很重要的公共政策及防火議題,所以該學會力促歐洲委員會將Deca-BDE在電子電機設備中的應用,當成一個優先的問題來討論。目前業界對於該種耐燃劑有兩種不同的看法,根據風險評估報告,該物質是不需要被禁止的;但它在RoHS下是被限制的。
BSEF呼籲歐洲委員會提議讓Deca-BDE從禁令中得到新的豁免;該學會認為Deca-BDE可以通過RoHS的要求,或者是可藉由修正RoHS的範圍,將Deca-BDE從禁令中移除。BSEF表示,這次歐洲法庭的決定相當清楚的指出應該重新檢視此物質,該學會也樂意配合歐洲委員會進行重新檢視。 http://ecb.jrc.it/Documents/Existing-Chemicals/Review_on_production_process_of_decaBDE.pdf 请问是十溴联苯醚是禁止,还是限值。只要总溴含量少于1000就可以了。还是一点都不能有。 我手上有一份让大家参考一下! 楼上的兄弟,我有原文的英文法令。我看的是ban,没有讲到限值。只是说解除豁免,禁止使用。到底是可以总溴限值,还是十溴一定限制使用。
Deca-BDE now Banned under European Union RoHS Directive
The European Court of Justice has just ruled that the deca-bromodiphenylether (deca-BDE) exemption included by the European Commission in the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) Directive has been annulled.Thus, as of June 30, 2008, decaBDE will no longer be allowed in covered electronic products sold in Europe.
DecaBDE, along with all other polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), was originally banned in the RoHS Directive as it was adopted by the European Parliament and Council in 2003.This ban was lifted by the European Commission in October of 2005 by means of an exemption for “decaBDE in polymeric applications” in the Annex to RoHS.The European Parliament initiated annulment proceedings at the European Court of Justice in January 2006, seeking to overturn that exemption.Their argument was that the Commission did not have the authority to exempt decaBDE, and that they had overstepped their authority.The Commission only has the authority under RoHS to exempt specific uses of a substance if no viable safer alternatives exist, but not to exempt substances based on their assessment of the risk.
The Court of Justice has sided with Parliament, saying that the Commission did not have authority to exempt decaBDE.They have allowed the exemption to stand until June 30, 2008.If you manufacture or assemble covered electronic products or components that are sold in the European market, it would be prudent to check and make sure none of your polymers contain decaBDE.If you have further questions, please feel free to contact Greg Morose (978-934-2954) or Liz Harriman (978-934-3387) at the Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute.