IEC 60335-1 CL.19.7 电子程序控制器
CL.19.7 此段话如何理解,有没有遇到过此类产品。如果一个奶瓶加热器中有电机,用电子定时控制器具工作为5分钟, 如何考虑cl.19.7For each of the tests, appliances provided with a timer or programmer are supplied at rated
voltage for a period equal to the maximum period allowed by the timer or programmer.
If the timer or programmer is an electronic type that operates to ensure compliance with the test
before the maximum period under the conditions of Clause 11 is reached, it is considered to
be a protective electronic circuit as well as a control that operates under the conditions of
Clause 11.
- 一种是5分钟内已经到稳态了,那么就算电子定时电路以“粘滞”失效(即定时失效,持续工作)也能符合19.13,那么这种情况下电子定时电路不用当作PEC;
- 另一种情况是到了5分钟定时结束时温升还是在向上升的,这种情况下要去验证一下如果定时器失效供电到10分钟的话是不是还能符合19.13,如果能符合19.13那么就不用把电子定时电路当做PEC,如果不能符合19.13那么就要把电子定时电路当做PEC,要考虑19.11.3的测试。验证方法可以是5分钟到了时再开一个5分钟 学习了:lol 二楼正解:)