各位大侠,请教一下,排气扇标识 额定频率 标识为 220-240V~ 50/60Hz 是否可以,是否必须标识为220-240V~ 50-60Hz,谢谢
7.3 Appliances having a range of rated values and which can be operated without
adjustment throughout the range shall be marked with the lower and upper limits of the range
separated by a hyphen.
NOTE 1 Example: 115-230 V: The appliance is suitable for any value within the marked range (a curling iron with
a PTC heating element or an appliance incorporating an input switch mode power supply).
Appliances having different rated values and which have to be adjusted for use at a particular
value by the user or installer shall be marked with the different values separated by an
oblique stroke.
标识为 220-240V~ 50/60Hz 可以 严格来讲标50/60Hz,用这个“/”是要可调的。自适应的建议标50-60Hz。这里有争议,为了免除麻烦,建议50-60Hz 如果你现在去做CB、CE之类认证,99%的工程师都会建议你写50-60Hz,置于原因,板凳层已经说了~ 2种都可以 建议50-60Hz 弱弱的请教一句,50-60会不会有点不切实际 电网供电频率都是有严格的偏差限定,不会超过±1%,但标准就这么规定的。 如果频率必须是50或者60,那就必须用/ 50-60的是宽频了~~~50/60是两种频率,不一样吧~~