plmijb 发表于 2018-9-19 10:07

谁知道小家电待机功率0.3W 要求

听人说,将来小家电待机功率会是0.3W 要求,有谁听说过此事?有何出处?

rlandg 发表于 2018-9-19 13:25


liuxilin1215 发表于 2018-9-19 13:47


(EU)No 1194/2012
1.2. Energy efficiency requirements for lamp control gear
As from stage 2, the no-load power of a lamp control gear intended for use between the mains and the switch for turning the lamp load on/off shall not exceed 1,0 W. As from stage 3, the limit shall be 0,50 W. For lamp control gear with output power (P) over 250 W, the no-load power limits shall be multiplied by P/250 W.
As from stage 3, the standby power of a lamp control gear shall not exceed 0,50 W.
As from stage 2, the efficiency of a halogen lamp control gear shall be at least 0,91 at 100 % load.

H-RH 发表于 2018-9-20 00:59

Proposed revision to EU Ecodesign regulations for standby and off modes

"Among the proposed changes is to lower the standby/off-mode requirement to 0.3 W from 0.5 W. "

chmvp3 发表于 2018-9-22 10:08

plmijb 发表于 2018-9-22 17:12


ScottXe 发表于 2018-9-24 00:56


ScottXe 发表于 2018-9-24 00:56


twtwx 发表于 2018-10-10 18:24

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