BV211 发表于 2018-11-21 10:21

按摩器 IEC60335-1 19.7 章节,带定时的适用吗?

按摩器 IEC60335-1 19.7 章节,按摩器带定时的适用吗? 下面这句什么意思,问下,谢谢?If the

timer or programmer is an electronic type that operates to ensure compliance with the test
before the maximum period under the conditions of Clause 11 is reached, it is considered to

be a protective electronic circuit as well as a control that operates under the conditions of

Clause 11.

19.7For each of the tests, appliances provided with a timer or programmer are supplied at rated
voltage for a period equal to the maximum period allowed by the timer or programmer. If the

timer or programmer is an electronic type that operates to ensure compliance with the test
before the maximum period under the conditions of Clause 11 is reached, it is considered to

be a protective electronic circuit as well as a control that operates under the conditions of

Clause 11.
页: [1]
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