flics 发表于 2019-8-13 16:44

- Power input values less than 146W are exceededfor a time of more than 180s (10% of the RP) and
- Power input values greater than 146W are exceeded for a time of less than 180s (10% of the RP)

还有就是关于10%这个位置点,如果功率计的采集频率是50 value/second, 那直发器在30min会采集到90000个功率值,那10%位置的功率对应的就是第9000个功率值,是吧

zyhua1985 发表于 2019-8-14 16:09

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查看完整版本: IEC 60335-1:5.1版第10章的一点困惑