花开的时候 发表于 2020-7-21 09:51

求助,哪位大神有TUV 低蓝光标准?

求助,哪位大神有TUV 低蓝光标准?
我们显示器,客户要求做低蓝光认证,我查了 低蓝光认证 主要是TUV在推吧,
请教大神 有没TUV 低蓝光标准,包括测试方法测试要求判定依据等等?

一行白鹭上青天 发表于 2020-7-21 10:28


花开的时候 发表于 2020-7-21 10:58

一行白鹭上青天 发表于 2020-7-21 10:28

EN 62471-5:2015 Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems - Part 5: Image projectors,
IEC 62471-5:2015(E) provides a risk group classification system for image projectors, and measurement conditions for optical radiation emitted by image projectors. It includes manufacturing requirements that may be required as a result of an image projector system being assigned to a particular risk group. Therefore, this part of IEC 62471 provides safety requirements for lamp systems that are intended to produce projected visible optical radiation, such as theatre projectors, data projectors and home-use projectors. The assigned risk group of a projector product also may be used by projector manufacturers to assist with any risk assessments, e.g. for occupational exposure in workplaces. National requirements may exist for the assessment of products or occupational exposure.

一行白鹭上青天 发表于 2020-7-21 13:13

花开的时候 发表于 2020-7-21 10:58
EN 62471-5:2015 Photobiological safety of lamps ...

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