leo720 发表于 2021-10-14 15:31


11 Electric toys used in water, electric toys used with liquid and electric toys
cleaned with liquid
Electric toys intended to be used in water, electric toys used with liquid and filled from a
tap and electric toys likely to be cleaned with liquid shall have an enclosure providing the
appropriate protection.
NOTE 1 Electric toys used in the bath or electric toy boats are examples of electric toys intended to be used in
water. Electric toys that blow bubbles or electric toys emitting water, such as an electric toy fire truck are
examples of electric toys used with liquid. Electric toys intended to imitate the preparation of food are examples
of electric toys likely to be cleaned with liquid.

各位大神们,62115里的防水,第二种情况是怎么理解的,跟液体一起使用,但这液体不来自水龙头的,需 不需要做防水?另外,标准举的例子泡泡枪是否需要做防水?先谢过了。

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