EN-60335-1 19.5
19.5 The test of 19.4 is repeated on class 0I appliances and class I appliancesincorporating tubular sheathed or embedded heating elements. However, controls are not
short-circuited but one end of the element is connected to the sheath of the heating element.
This test is repeated with the polarity of the supply to the appliance reversed and with the
other end of the element connected to the sheath.
The test is not carried out on appliances intended to be permanently connected to fixed wiring
and on appliances where an all-pole disconnection occurs during the test of 19.4.
Appliances with a neutral are tested with the neutral connected to the sheath.
NOTE For embedded heating elements, the metal enclosure is considered to be the sheath.
一类电器不管, 或单相产品,还是三相,这个测试是原则适用的用的,除非是产品是符合以下任何一种情况
– intended to be permanently connected to fixed wiring and on appliances ;
– where an all-pole disconnection occurs during the test of 19.4; or
– used in a system with polarized plugs intended for connection to polarized socket outlets
当然你也看看Part-2 标准,有否规定这个测试适用你的产品
village 发表于 2024-2-20 15:17
一类电器不管, 或单相产品,还是三相,这个测试是原则适用的用的,除非是产品是符合以下任何一种情况
– i ...
大佬说的对 正常按照标准要求来做19.5很难实现,好像产品不工作(比如发热管接N的端子接到发热管外壳即接地,接L的端子正常接到火线)。所以正常来说发热管两端都加保护使得19.4的时候发热管全极断开来规避19.5. 发热体类型符合就要考核测试,当然标准豁免的情况不用测。