适配器交流供电,直流输出,器具是加热饭盒,内有发热丝,不是PTC。因加热器具是按照功率来确定测试i电压且适配器前端调节电压对整体功率无影响,如果电压调得过低适配器就会不工作,那11章和19章的测试电压怎么确定?谢谢指教适配器供电必定采用了开关电源模块给加热管供电,依据5.13直接采用电压*系数的平方根就可以,不考虑功率的变化。 5.13 The tests for appliances with PTC heating elements and for heating appliances and
combined appliances where the heating elements are supplied via a switch mode power
supply are carried out at a voltage corresponding to the specified power input.
When a power input greater than the rated power input is specified, the factor for multiplying
the voltage is equal to the square root of the factor for multiplying the power input.