CTL决议中DSH和PDSH有什么区别啊,问下各位大佬!!OD-5002, 6.6 The CTL Secretary uploads the final PDSH to the CTL Website and informs the IECEE
Secretariat accordingly, giving information to the IECEE Executive Secretary for forwarding to
the IEC CAB and relevant TC/SC to coordinate the further activities. With publication of the
PDSH at the CTL Web Site the document is valid and shall be applied by the CB Scheme
participants. PDSH 是临时决议,类似于草稿,需要投票后才能成为最终决议 45550629 发表于 2022-10-26 17:25
PDSH 是临时决议,类似于草稿,需要投票后才能成为最终决议
噢噢,那PDSH,可以不强制采用了,是吗大佬 只要在网站发布了,就需要采用。 ID长就牛b 发表于 2022-11-2 09:46
临时决议在正式批准前,理论上是不需要采用的 esther530 发表于 2022-11-2 16:23
我查了下, 我也是对于这些决议一脸懵逼,不知道在哪里查询,有了解的朋友分享一下,谢谢