frankpeng 发表于 2008-8-9 19:09


Dear all:

今天是中国获得29届第1枚金牌的好日子,本论坛版主祝您们节日愉快!跟帖者赠送您财富:2金币: 作为节日礼物,如中英文奖5金币。祝您们玩得愉快~
Today is good day for our china get the first gold coin, Congratulate all of you,On festive occasions,
Follow the card I will present 2 gold coin as a gift, If you write in english and chinese, I will present 5 gold coin as a gift, Thanks

鉴于很多会员注册便玩失踪, 一贴不发安规威望却达到十几或几十. 为更好地鼓励在线支持本站的新老会员,从即日起论坛节日礼物将只派送给在线会员, 派送时间将选择在线人数最多的时间段, 即09:00~18:00.

同时, 礼物派送数量也将会更优惠于在线会员, 以积极培养网站全新会员以增强新生力量!


对于发贴投诉未收到节日礼物者, 一律扣除10个金币并删贴, 以惩处其不了解网站最新动态!




huhaijun 发表于 2008-8-9 21:47

Today is good day for our china get the first gold coin, Congratulate all of you,On festive occasions,

moneye 发表于 2008-8-9 21:59


Today is the festival of chinese,congratulation~

H-RH 发表于 2008-8-9 23:00

2 Gold Medal, Congratulation!
2 枚金牌, 值得祝賀!

yxd2008 发表于 2008-8-9 23:06

Chinese already has two gold medals, warm congratulations!

aries0325 发表于 2008-8-10 09:04


zkx2007 发表于 2008-8-11 10:28

6 Gold Medal, Congratulation!
hope more

frankpeng 发表于 2008-8-11 10:49

跟帖者赠送您财富:2金币: 作为节日礼物,如中英文奖5金币。
Follow the card I will present 2 gold coin as a gift, If you write in english and chinese, I will present 5 gold coin as a gift, Thanks

sclongwar 发表于 2008-8-11 11:18

Congratulations! I think the Olympic spirit is not for the Golden, but for the human beings to exceeding ourselves.

frankpeng 发表于 2008-8-11 11:46

引用第8楼sclongwar于2008-08-11 11:18发表的:
Congratulations! I think the Olympic spirit is not for the Golden, but for the human beings to exceeding ourselves.

Agree your thought, Nice to see you again, Dear Sclongwar(安规网首席水王), If you have time, Pls freely connect with me, My dear friend............
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