公司最近請了個part-time的顧問, 他以前是510(K) reviewer, 審過的產品包含majoy, moderate and minor三種, 為了賺多點威望金币, 有問題我可以代問唄~ 依据 FDA
Guidance for the Content of Premarket Submissions for Software Contained in Medical Devices - Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff
所谓的软体适用范围如下,已包含 firmware.
For the purposes of this document, we refer to devices that contain one or more software components, parts, or accessories, or are composed solely of software as “software devices,” including:
* firmware and other means for software-based control of medical devices
* stand-alone software applications
* software intended for installation in general-purpose computers
* dedicated hardware/software medical devices.
* accessories to medical devices when those accessories contain or are composed of software. FDA 已采认IEC60601-1-4:2000 标准, (Effective Date: 07/31/2008)
IEC60601-1-4:2000, Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for safety - 4 - Collateral standard: Programmable electrical medical systems, edition 1.1. (General) ,
Extent of Recognition:
IEC 60601-1-4 specifies basic requirements for the process by which programmable electrical medical systems are designed. The standard provides basic risk management processes that may be applied to the development and qualification of programmable electrical medical systems.
Portions of this standard related to risk estimation do not appropriately address failures of a systematic nature (hardware design failures and all software failures). The risk associated with a random failure is assessed by considering both the severity of the hazard caused by the failure and the rate of its occurrence. Unlike for random failure, however, the probability or likelihood of systematic failure is impossible to predict. Consequently, hazards associated with risk-related functions subject to systematic failure should be managed based on the severity of the hazard resulting from failure and the assumption that the failure will occur. Hazard management should focus on the mitigation or elimination of hazards that adversely affect patient safety. Hazard analysis should begin with the identification of system requirements and continue throughout the product life cycle. Where applicable, design features should be incorporated that prevent single component failures from adversely affecting patient safety.
When reviewing programmable electrical medical systems, reviewers may request documentation from the risk management file described in IEC 60601-1-4, for example, system requirement specifications, hazard analysis, hazard mitigation features, and validation reports. In addition, because conformity to the IEC 60601-1-4 standard may not be sufficient for purposes of demonstrating safety for regulatory submissions, manufacturers should be encouraged to contact the appropriate ODE reviewing group to determine the applicability of this standard for a specific medical device.
Related CFR Citations and Product Codes:
This standard is relevant for all programmable electrical medical systems
Relevant Guidance:
Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff - Guidance for the Content of Pre-market Submissions for Software Contained in Medical Devices, May 11, 2005
General Principles of Software Validation; Final Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff, January 11, 2002
Guidance for Industry, FDA Reviewers and Compliance on Off-The-Shelf Software Use in Medical Devices; Final, September 9, 1999 好主题,关注中。 学习了 软件测试没做过,学习中,