llqq 发表于 2008-10-15 09:00



hansonzou 发表于 2008-10-17 15:56

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HR 4040 is the same thing as the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). This is a massive new legislation passed by Congress and signed into law August 14th. We are actively working on documents to communicate the regulations and how they impact us. In very short, there are several main areas that will have a significant impact to our business:

1)       Lead paint regulation – Lead paint requirements will be lowered from 600 ppm to 90 ppm next year. While not a major issue for us since we already test to this limit, it’s still important.

2)       Lead substrate regulation – Effective February, any children’s product that contains lead over 600 ppm will be a banned hazardous item. This gets lowered to 300 ppm by August of next year. Every single component that is accessible has to meet this requirement (including steel, rivets, etc.).

3)       Phthalates – Phthalates requirements are now becoming federal law. Effective Feb 10, any products being sold in the US with phthalates are banned items.

4)       Certification – Starting November, every product has to have a certificate of compliance issued. These certificates must be based on a reasonable testing program. Starting as early as December, the certificates must be based on mandatory third party testing. Mandatory testing starts with lead paint in December and by September of next year all tests must be done by third parties.

5)       Juvenile product standards – The CPSC will be making all juvenile products standard into federal standards. Once this happens, the above certification process will apply to them also.

tchunter 发表于 2008-10-22 10:51


oozeer 发表于 2008-11-11 19:52

附件:消费品法案.rar (798 K) 下载次数:9 需要安规威望:20

nb8197 发表于 2008-11-11 20:02


oozeer 发表于 2008-11-11 20:05


chris.zhao 发表于 2008-11-26 16:34

leonlai7808 发表于 2008-11-28 15:57


linpipi2000 发表于 2008-11-28 18:24

CPSC 网站上可以下载的

bqrpyu 发表于 2008-12-5 16:24

消费品安全修正案2008 H.R.40402008
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查看完整版本: H.R.4040美国《消费品安全改进法案》