stilone 发表于 2008-11-6 13:49


关于童车由于销售地区不同,性能测试可能用到的标准也会有所不同,主要标准列举 如下:
1. 欧规标准:EN 1888 2003 Child Care articles Wheeled child conveyances-Safety requirements and test methods
2.美规标准:F833_07a Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Carriages_strollers
3.加拿大:Canadian SOR 85-379
4.澳大利亚、新西兰:AS-NZS 2088 - 2000 Prams and strollers—Safety requirements 14748-2006
6.日本:CPSA 0001Approval Standard and Standard Confirmation Method for Baby Carriages
7.英国:BS 7409_1996 requieremsnts for wheeled child conveyances digital copy
8.韩国:KS G 3316 Baby Carriage -Standards for Safety Inspection
9.以色列:SI 891 2006 translation of national deviation

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