hijummy520 发表于 2007-7-31 10:56

關於EN 61800-3:2004當中的問題

3.2 Intended use
first environment
environment that includes domestic premises, it also includes establishments directly connected without intermediate transformers to a low-voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes

NOTE Houses, apartments, commercial premises or offices in a residential building are examples of first environment locations.

second environment
environment that includes all establishments other than those directly connected to a lowvoltage
power supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes

NOTE Industrial areas, technical areas of any building fed from a dedicated transformer are examples of second environment locations.

PDS of category C1
PDS of rated voltage less than 1 000 V, intended for use in the first environment

PDS of category C2
PDS of rated voltage less than 1 000 V, which is neither a plug in device nor a movable device and, when used in the first environment, is intended to be installed and commissioned only by a professional

NOTE A professional is a person or an organisation having necessary skills in installing and/or commissioning power drive systems, including their EMC aspects.

PDS of category C3
PDS of rated voltage less than 1 000 V, intended for use in the second environment and not
intended for use in the first environment

PDS of category C4
PDS of rated voltage equal to or above 1 000 V, or rated current equal to or above 400 A, or
intended for use in complex systems in the second environment

以上是從EN 61800-3:2004當中挑選出來的,想請教各位在上面提到的first environment及second environment是否與底下的C1、C2、C3、C4中所提到的環境有關聯?還是說C1、C2、C3、C4這些是指測試條件環境,而上面的first environment及second environment講的是用途條件,因此兩者是無關聯性?

舉例來說:我們變頻器屬於工業用,因此在歸類時屬於second environment,但是我們要求產品測試必須通過C2甚至是C1,這兩者間所提到的first environment及second environment是否有相對關聯性?謝謝。

ds1983 发表于 2007-7-31 14:57


hijummy520 发表于 2007-7-31 17:22

引用第1楼ds1983于2007-07-31 14:57发表的:


hijummy520 发表于 2007-8-1 14:43


szhwl 发表于 2007-8-1 14:59


hijummy520 发表于 2007-8-1 15:10

引用第4楼szhwl于2007-08-01 14:59发表的:

szhwl 发表于 2007-8-1 15:37


ds1983 发表于 2007-8-2 10:39

引用第0楼hijummy520于2007-07-31 10:56发表的 關於EN 61800-3:2004當中的問題 :
3.2 Intended use
first environment
environment that includes domestic premises, it also includes establishments directly connected without intermediate transformers to a low-voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes


hijummy520 发表于 2007-8-2 13:37


statics 发表于 2007-8-6 13:36

first environment及second environment是否與底下的C1、C2、C3、C4中所提到的環境有關聯?
——有关联,C1/C2是用在first environment中,C3/C4是用在second environment中(定义中很明确)

舉例來說:我們變頻器屬於工業用,因此在歸類時屬於second environment,但是我們要求產品測試必須通過C2甚至是C1,這兩者間所提到的first environment及second environment是否有相對關聯性

——许多厂家对产品的性能要求并不是按标准走的,你们的产品应该属于C3或C4(具体看额定电压是多少),但要求通过C2甚至C1可能是你们对产品的EMI控制更严格吧,呵呵,许多公司都这样的,要求传导和辐射的限值线是6dB below CISPR22 class B。另外,虽然C1/C2的EMI比C3/C4严格,但EMS却是C3/C4等级更高些。
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