elastics included with or attached to toys intended for children less than 18 months of age (excluding pull toys, see 4.14.3) shall be less than 12 in. (300 mm) long when measured to the
maximum length in a free state and under a load of 5 lb (2.25 kg).
If cords/straps/elastics or multiple cords/straps/elastics can tangle or form a loop in connection with any part of the toy, including beads or other attachments on the ends of cords/straps/elastics, the loop shall not permit the passage of the head probe (Fig. 11) when tested in accordance with 8.23.
上面的要求是针对18个月以下儿童玩具要求的,下面的要求不是针对18个月以下儿童的产品?所有年龄段都适用? 图片没传上去,百度里面搜照片好了,就是沙槌,高手指点一下了,谢谢 沙槌产品?
没有弄过,但玩具产品是分年龄阶段的...... 是分年龄段的,如果是18个月以上就没有关系的.但是沙槌是不是和摇铃的判断标准一致?因为结构类似的 16CFR 1510中的rattle 的定义:For the purposes of this part 1510, a rattle is an infant's toy, intended to be hand held, usually containing pellets or other small objects and which produces sounds when shaken. Examples of products which may have similar noisemaking characteristics but which are excluded from the scope of this definition are: dolls, stuffed animals, crib exercisers, crib mobiles, pull toys, shoe lace holders, bells which are not part of the noisemaking component of a rattle, plastic keys or other figures on loops or chains which produce sound by striking together, games, puzzles and musical instruments such as tambourines, castanets, and maracas.
关于绳子的两点要求的年龄范围都是18个月以下的。 Q1,这个算是rattle,也可以说是一个打击乐器,看使用年龄定多少!
Q2,设计一个breakaway featurn, 5lbs可以分离,然后自*由绳长满足要求。 我支持DOCTORO的说法。 但是这个沙槌按照标准里面定义的判断就是摇铃啊,所以使用年龄合理的是18个月以下;