liangjianwei 发表于 2009-3-18 05:38


hncjy365 发表于 2009-3-18 16:21


szbn988 发表于 2009-4-7 08:48


wwnw_007 发表于 2009-4-7 08:59

引用第12楼szbn988于2009-04-07 08:48发表的:

daniel8330 发表于 2009-4-7 09:35

我们正在查正已烷的资料, 好像其参数是可以符合标准要求的, 找到后发给大家看看

zyq020115 发表于 2009-4-16 13:19


五岳盟主 发表于 2009-4-22 10:34

qqqrrrzzz 发表于 2009-5-15 11:35


小笨 发表于 2009-6-6 09:38


KEKE 发表于 2009-7-1 15:56


46 Permanence of Marking Tests

46.1 General
46.1.1 A required marking shall be molded, die-stamped, paint-stenciled, stamped or etched on metal, or indelibly stamped on pressure-sensitive labels secured by adhesive. Pressure-sensitive labels secured by adhesive shall comply with the requirements in 46.1.2 – 46.4.1. Ordinary usage, handling, storage, and the like of the appliance will be considered in determining the permanence of a marking.

46.1.2 After being subjected to the conditioning specified in 46.2.1 – 46.4.1, the adhesion of a pressure-sensitive label or a label secured by cement or adhesive is considered to be acceptable if
immediately following removal from each test medium, and after being exposed for 24 hours to room temperature following removal from each test medium:

a) Each sample demonstrates good adhesion and edges are not curled;

b) The label resists defacement or removal as demonstrated by scraping across the test panel
with a flat metal blade, 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) thick, held at a right angle to the test panel; and

c) The printing is legible and is not defaced by rubbing with thumb or finger pressure.

46.2 Oven aging test
46.2.1 Three samples of the label, applied to test surfaces as in the intended application, are to be conditioned for 240 hours in an air oven maintained at the temperature specified in Table 46.1.

46.3 Immersion test
46.3.1 Six samples of the label, applied to test surfaces as in the intended application, are to be
conditioned for 24 hours in a controlled atmosphere maintained at 23 ±2°C (73 ±4°F) with a 50 ±5 percent relative humidity. Three samples are then immersed in water and three samples are immersed in oil at a temperature of 21 ±2°C (70 ±4°F) for 48 hours in each case.

46.4 Standard atmosphere test

46.4.1 Three samples of the label, applied to test surfaces as in the intended application, are to be conditioned for 72 hours in a controlled atmosphere maintained at 23 ±2°C (73 ±4°F) with a 50 ±5 percent relative humidity.
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