产品标称的输出有两组:(5 Vd.c., 500 mA; 5 Vd.c., 300 mA)
请问,这种产品应该怎么带载, 就是 75%, 50%, 25%带载, 应该怎么处理呢?
1. 500mA, 300mA 同时递减
2. 500mA正常带载,300mA 递减带载
3. 300mA 正常带载,500mA 递减带载 澳洲MEPS要求只是针对一次只有一路输出的电源,有两路输出的话是要有选择开关的.如果两路同时输出的话,应该是不用做MEPS的测试的.这是个人对标准的理解 A single output external power supply which is covered by MEPS is defined as a unit which:
has an input from mains supply (usually 110 V, 60 Hz; 230 V, 50 Hz; 240 V, 50 Hz or a range including some or all of these input conditions); and
has one ELV output (either a.c. or d.c.) that is either at a fixed voltage or user selectable through a selector switch; and
is sold with, or intended to be used with, a separate end-use product that constitutes the primary load; and
is contained in a separate physical enclosure from the end-use product (i.e. the housings of the power supply and its associated product are different, not their retail packaging); and
is connected to the end use product via a hard-wired or removable male/female electrical connection, cable, cord or other wiring; and
does not have batteries or battery packs that physically attach directly to the power supply unit (including those that are removable e.g. a battery pack for a portable electric drill); and
does not have a battery chemistry or type selector switch and an indicator light or state of charge meter. 引用第1楼angel1981于2009-03-30 15:40发表的: