禁止转贴,违者重罚! 谢谢老大分享!!新增的内容都用红字罗列出来了,很醒目。 比对非常到位啊,推荐一下 欧洲以至全球技术要求提升,对于生产企业的压力也是很大的啦!学习下,让企业做得更加好!没有最好,只有更好!!! 谢谢,请问新的指令有没有过渡期 引用第5楼sunxuenergy于2009-05-23 08:10发表的:谢谢,请问新的指令有没有过渡期
Is there a transition period for application of Directive 2006/42/EC?
Answer :
In general, there is no transition period, in the sense of a period during which both the current
Machinery Directive and the new Machinery Directive are applicable (with one exception: there is a
transition period until 29th June 2011 for the particular case of portable cartridge-operated fixing and
other impact machinery).
However there is a period of adaptation, since the provisions of the Directive 2006/42/EC become
applicable on 29th December 2009. During this period, all of the stakeholders concerned will be able to
take the necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition from the current Directive to the new Directive. 新的指令要求好象比旧的要全面很多。。。 新的出了是不是旧的就不能用了呢? 请问单独的电机也包含在机械指令里面的吗? 60034应该算是低电压指令吧我看好多电机都是做的60034那就是没有做机械指令了哟