myhet 发表于 2007-8-30 22:33

引用第9楼pwong03492于2007-08-30 09:20发表的:


有支持文件的,你可以参看UL764的FUII (follow up inspection instruction),或者参看贵厂的UL follow-up procedure的APP.C页(好像是APP.D或者E,具体我忘记了)

myhet 发表于 2007-8-30 22:35

引用第6楼brent于2007-08-29 21:13发表的:


happyshidi 发表于 2007-8-31 11:34

少贴的话不止是开VN 了,还要报废掉没有贴标签的线材 !而且2007年7月1日开始VN要罚钱了,500美金!

myhet 发表于 2007-8-31 19:49


pwong03492 发表于 2007-9-1 09:24

引用第11楼myhet于2007-08-30 22:33发表的:

有支持文件的,你可以参看UL764的FUII (follow up inspection instruction),或者参看贵厂的UL follow-up procedure的APP.C页(好像是APP.D或者E,具体我忘记了)

1. 好象没听说过 UL 764 这份标准, 是怎么回事?
2. 我翻遍了我们工厂所有 UL file 的 appendices, 没有发现相关的描述, 哪位好心人可以上传一份参考?

myhet 发表于 2007-9-1 12:05

引用第15楼pwong03492于2007-09-01 09:24发表的:

1. 好象没听说过 UL 764 这份标准, 是怎么回事?
2. 我翻遍了我们工厂所有 UL file 的 appendices, 没有发现相关的描述, 哪位好心人可以上传一份参考?


hotkey 发表于 2007-9-1 17:09

Please refer to FUII 764 Wiring Harness (ZPFW2): you can find it on your FOLLOW-UP SERVICE PROCEDURE

L12    Harnesses which do not employ a Power-Supply Cord or harnesses which employ a Listed (labeled) Power-Supply Cord will require a Form N or Form 1-N harness label.Harnesses which employ a Power-Supply Cord which is not Listed, shall comply with the requirements for a Listed Power-Supply Cord for the power-supply cord portion, and will require a Form T or 1-T harness label

    A wiring harness consisting of four parts or less, having as one of the parts a power-supply cord which has not been previously Labeled (Form 1-T).

    A wiring harness consisting of more than four parts, having as one of the parts a power-supply cord which has not been previously Labeled (Form T).

myhet 发表于 2007-9-1 20:57

引用第18楼hotkey于2007-09-01 17:09发表的:
Please refer to FUII 764 Wiring Harness (ZPFW2): you can find it on your FOLLOW-UP SERVICE PROCEDURE

L12    Harnesses which do not employ a Power-Supply Cord or harnesses which employ a Listed (labeled) Power-Supply Cord will require a Form N or Form 1-N harness label.Harnesses which employ a Power-Supply Cord which is not Listed, shall comply with the requirements for a Listed Power-Supply Cord for the power-supply cord portion, and will require a Form T or 1-T harness label

    A wiring harness consisting of four parts or less, having as one of the parts a power-supply cord which has not been previously Labeled (Form 1-T).


sunjiping73 发表于 2007-9-6 13:43

引用第13楼happyshidi于2007-08-31 11:34发表的:
少贴的话不止是开VN 了,还要报废掉没有贴标签的线材 !而且2007年7月1日开始VN要罚钱了,500美金!


wangsitong 发表于 2007-9-7 09:46

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