14.12 Itshallnotbepossibletochargerechargeablebatterieswhentheyareinthetoy unless– for toys having a mass not exceeding 5 kg, it is not possible
x to remove the battery without breaking the toy;
x to charge other batteries from the toy;
– for other toys
x the battery is fixed in the toy;
x connecting means are provided that ensure correct polarity during charging;
x it is not possible to operate the toy during charging.
"other batteries "是指哪些电池?如果在上述5kg范围的玩具Fail, 是怎样一种情形?
"电池固定在玩具内"是怎样一种情形, 与不破坏玩具就能取出电池有什么区别? 14.6 ? EN62115?条款对应不上 any more more constructive comments?