A volcanic eruption has started again under the Eyjafjalla glacier in southern Iceland April 13. A radar image shows the crater of Eyjafjallajokull in southeast Iceland, which looks like the nightmarish face in the painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch. Coincidentally, it is thought that the masterpiece was inspired by the blood red skies caused by the powerful volcanic eruption of Krakatoa in 1883.http://news.iciba.com/uploads/100421/3088374_115946_1.jpg
http://news.iciba.com/uploads/100421/3088374_120332_1.jpg 冰岛南部艾雅法拉冰川火山4月13日猛烈喷发。据英国《每日邮报》17日报道,火山喷发从空中俯瞰产生意想不到的效果。这张由冰岛海岸警卫队机载雷达就捕捉到火山口照片,看起来酷似爱德华·孟克的经典画作“尖叫”中惊恐的人脸。非常巧合的是,“尖叫”是画家爱德华·孟克受1883年印尼喀拉喀托火山大喷发的启发所创作的。 巧合 大自然对人类的警告?? 巧合too 很神奇哦 amazing.... 地球现在很受伤! 2012的前兆啊 比较的怕怕