我想请教下,我们公司有做UL认证,我来的时候就有,前任前辈走了,没接触过,现在有订单,可问题是不知道电机正不正确,貌似报告里面也没有提到电机电阻什么之类的,就是不知道UL对电阻有没有什么要求的.急..请各位大侠帮帮忙.... My suggestion:
1.See your FUS(follow up service) procedure, step by step, word by word, any question, ask , try your best to understand what you don't know;
2. When you see the FUS procedure, there is a description about the test and the related pages are marked with"T-XX", read it carefully and check whether it has the descrition about the resistance;
3. Find out the UL standards related with your product, read it carefully, any question, ask , then try your best to get the answers.. 公司应该有UL发的UL FOLLOW--SERIVES,看里面关于实验报告的部分,应该有相关描述的,找到相匹配的就好,如果没有,那就要看你们公司要不要申请送新的样品到UL实验室去了 根据要求先拷贝绝缘系统, 学习了,正好有产品要做UL 认证,先好好的研究研究,感谢了!