三年第三方认证机构小家电安规测试工作经验,英文水平不强!要求:包吃包住 2500起 不包吃住3500起
地点:广州佛山东莞 (深圳消费太高了不适合我) 楼主帮你顶一下,建议把熟悉的测试产品或标准写一下好点.希望兄台早日找到理想的工作. 3年经验3500,你要求也太低了点吧 Sincerely hope you can get a good job soon... 没办法现在好工作 确实难找啊 LZ要有自信才行啊! Personal suggestion:
If you are urgent to find a job cause of so many reasons, then you can find a job first, whether it's good or not, then you can find another suitable job when you do this job, of course, I know it's not so good, but reality is reality.
Anyway, if you are not so urgent, and have enough money to make a living, then keep good attitude, and one step to find a suitable job... 无言中 现在还有好公司吗? 现在没有好公司了吗