在此,先谢谢各位了~ 要求各不一樣, 一家機構也不一樣, 只能具體了來說才行的 哦,谢谢~,
1. 铭牌上的要求
2. 纸箱上的要求
谢谢~ 就我知道的一般都打上去,毕竟也能体现产品已经获得那家认证机构的的XX认证了!!!铭牌的认证标示对于很多客户来讲很有意义,因为有了认证便表明产品通过了安全等测试 引用第2楼demon_life于2007-10-10 10:28发表的:
1. 铭牌上的要求
2. 纸箱上的要求
外箱一般有ce即可, 尺寸參照lvd/emc/md等指令上都有ce標誌的要求的.
fcc, 沒有仔細研究, 你可以參考一下cfr47的要求, 比如part15就有如下要求:
§ 15.19 Labelling requirements.
(a) In addition to the requirements in
part 2 of this chapter, a device subject
to certification, or verification shall be
labelled as follows:
(1) Receivers associated with the operation
of a licensed radio service, e.g.,
FM broadcast under part 73 of this
chapter, land mobile operation under
part 90, etc., shall bear the following
statement in a conspicuous location on
the device:
This device complies with part 15 of the
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition
that this device does not cause harmful
(2) A stand-alone cable input selector
switch, shall bear the following statement
in a conspicuous location on the
This device is verified to comply with part
15 of the FCC Rules for use with cable television
(3) All other devices shall bear the
following statement in a conspicuous
location on the device:
This device complies with part 15 of the
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) This device may
not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
(4) Where a device is constructed in
two or more sections connected by
wires and marketed together, the
statement specified under paragraph
(a) of this section is required to be affixed
only to the main control unit.
(5) When the device is so small or for
such use that it is not practicable to
place the statement specified under
paragraph (a) of this section on it, the
information required by this paragraph
shall be placed in a prominent location
in the instruction manual or pamphlet
supplied to the user or, alternatively,
shall be placed on the container in
which the device is marketed. However,
the FCC identifier or the unique identifier,
as appropriate, must be displayed
on the device.
(b) Products subject to authorization
under a Declaration of Conformity
shall be labelled as follows:
(1) The label shall be located in a
conspicuous location on the device and
shall contain the unique identification
described in § 2.1074 of this chapter and
the following logo:
(i) If the product is authorized based
on testing of the product or system; or
(ii) If a personal computer is authorized
based on assembly using separately
authorized components, in accordance
with § 15.101(c)(2) or (c)(3), and
the resulting product is not separately
tested:(2) Label text and information should
be in a size of type large enough to be
readily legible, consistent with the dimensions
of the equipment and the
label. However, the type size for the
text is not required to be larger than
eight point.
(3) When the device is so small or for
such use that it is not practicable to
place the statement specified under
http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/13nov20061500/edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2006/octqtr/pdf/47cfr15.19.pdf 好厉害! 不过上面都是英文,翻译起来真头疼~
谢谢fasten 不明白你为何有这样的疑问,既然你做了认证,就是为了宣传,让客户知道产品的质量等级。所以只要获得了认证,我就会在所有可能的位置上全部加上。
不过有一个例外,比如CCC,虽然获得了证书,但是使用标志时还是要单独申请,所以其他的也要注意此类问题 我也很郁闷啊,我是建议我们业务把已通过相关安轨机构认证的标志打上去,
但是业务不同意, 说是客户要求的.
但是有些是对此没有要求的. 单纯从规定上来讲是不一定的,比如CCC,你的产品虽然已经通过了认证并获得了证书以及标志使用资格,但是假如客户只是需要这种结构的线,并不在意是否有CCC认证,并且你的产品表面并没有印刷相应的标识,那么你的包装上就不需要也不可以有CCC的标志了.