关于2009/48/EC 玩具定义的问题
2009/48/EC公布好久了,大家有看到关于它里面玩具定义修改后的guideline吗,大家都认为玩具定义修改后范围扩大了,到底扩大到什么范围呢,2009/48/EC的解释里面讲的也很模糊,现引用解释如下:This Directive shall apply to products designed or intended, whether or not exclusively,
for use in play by children under 14 years of age (hereinafter referred to as "toys").
Article 2 (1) defines the scope of the Directive, that is the products to which it applies.
The definition in article 2 (1), first subparagraph, provides the following criteria for
deciding whether a product falls under the scope of the Directive:
Any product or material designed or intended
whether or not exclusively
for use in play
by children under 14 years of age.
The wording of this provision is slightly different than the definition in the 88/378/EEC
Directive. However, the intention has only been to codify the practise under that
Directive, and not to change the material scope of the Directive from what it has been up
till now. The words “whether or not exclusively” have been added to the definition to
indicate that the product does not have to be exclusively intended for playing purposes in
order for it to be considered as a toy, but it can have other functions as well. For
example, a key-ring with a teddy bear attached to it is considered as a toy, or a sleeping
bag in the shape of a soft filled toy. It was not the intention to imply that the standard for
trampolines for instance needs to take into account adults using the toy-trampoline. Other
examples of products with double function (door decorations, soft filled animal shaped
purses or backpacks,…) can be found in guidance document 11 on classification of toys
intended for children above or under 36 months.
个人认为上面几款算玩具,行李牌比较可爱小孩子可能会玩;眼镜吸管很新奇,小孩子也会去玩。大家认为呢? 总是在变动,好麻烦。 是的呀,有时候真的很头疼,新奇的东西越来越多,随便什么东西只要好玩点都被人当玩具看了,感觉有点“泛滥”,如果是玩具就得加CE,有趣的是现在CE还不能随便加,你说不是玩具到时候欧盟召回说是玩具,又没加CE还得找麻烦,真纠结!(不过还没看见因为没加CE被召回的玩具,大家有看到通知下我哦!)请大家都发表下高见!! 以上三个产品都需要当成玩具来测试的,因为如楼主说的,儿童会对其产生兴趣。
另外吸管除了要满足玩具的要求,还需要满足食品接触材料的要求。 非常感谢! 引用第3楼东拼西凑于2010-12-29 08:50发表的:
W想问下,那是按照什么年龄段去做测试呢,是不是都按照3+的? 可以定为3+,主要还是要看厂家设计时预定给什么年龄段的群体使用的。 新指令玩具定义只是增加了 “无论是否专门”,以前一些带钥匙环的毛绒挂件,还有一些动物形状的背包,在新指令中都可以定义为玩具,不管它是否有其他的使用功能。只要有玩耍功能即可。
上面几个产品在外观上和功能上来说,都比较卡通,有一定的玩耍价值,所以应该按照玩具来进行相关测试。 It there have any guideline for age grade?? 定义的范围大多了,只要是儿童能玩耍的东西就是,