最新OJ 阅读疑问---里面的AC 是什么意思?
各位高手,请问OJ 里年份前面的AC 是什么意思?如下:
EN 60335-1:2002/AC:2009
EN 60335-1:2002/AC:2010
如果是有更新的标准,哪位能帮忙发表以上标准,谢谢! AC?
是A1吧 AC=amendments corrigendum修订更正
A1=amendments 1修订 楼上的回答很正确 一直看的是A1,第一次看到AC 欧洲电工电气委员会的官方解释
http://www.cenelec.eu/faq/entry.shtm#_Toc286929789 今年的协调标准就有了,以前只有A1、A11之类的增加件 What is the meaning of“AC”
AC stands for Amending Corrigendum.
Starting January 2011, CENELEC corrigenda shall be cited in the "Official Journal” – considering there was no separate documents for these CENELEC corrigenda in the past, it was proposed to indicate them where any, but these shall be found in the amendment of the document itself.
No consolidated version will be issued for including a corrigendum. Therefore, two documents will exist separately. 请问CE证书上能否体现AC这种?如EN 60335-1:2012+AC:2014+A11:2014+A13:2017还是EN 60335-1:2012+A11:2014+A13:2017