外壳材料黄卡上的RTI是指什么? RTI 又分ELEC,IMP,STR ,这些有是指什么? 查看塑胶材料认证 QMFZ2 Guide infoThermal Endurance
The temperature below which a class of critical property will not be unacceptably compromised through chemical thermal degradation, over the reasonable life of an electrical product (relative to a reference material having a confirmed, acceptable corresponding performance) is defined as the Relative Thermal Index (RTI). More than one RTI may be appropriate for a given material depending on the property requirements for a given application. In certain cases, higher temperatures are permitted if so specified by the end-use product standard.
RTI Elec — Electrical RTI, associated with critical insulating properties.
RTI Mech Imp — Mechanical Impact RTI, associated with critical impact resistance, toughness, elongation and flexibility properties.
RTI Mech Str — Mechanical Strength (Mechanical without Impact) RTI, associated with critical mechanical strength and structural integrity where impact resistance, resilience and flexibility may not be essential.
linke:http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=QMFZ2.GuideInfo&ccnshorttitle=Plastics+-+Component&objid=1073827223&cfgid=1073741824&version=versionless&parent_id=1073827222&sequence=1 好详细呀,学习了,顺便把HWI,HAI也解释一下吧 UL黄卡论坛上已经有详细解读过了
http://www.angui.org/read.php?tid-75154-keyword-UL%BB%C6%BF%A8.html 十分感谢包子和007。 不错,很专业 HWI - 热线圈引燃试验, HAI -高电流电弧引燃试验, GWI - 灼热丝引燃试验,
HVTR -高压电弧起痕 速度测试, D495 -高压低流干电弧阻抗测试, CTI - 相对电痕指数测试,
HVAR - 高压电弧阻燃测试, DS - 介质击穿电压强度测试, VR - 体积电阻测试,
SR -表面电阻测试, DIM -尺寸稳定性测试, WAB -吸水性测试,
HDT - 热形变温度测试, TI - 拉伸冲击性能测试, TS -拉伸强度性能测试,
II - 带缺口冲击性能测试, CI - 简支梁(夏比)冲击性能测试, FS -弯曲强度性能测试 ……