发表于 2011-9-8 17:42
kerve 很危险哇,我贴了个证书他就翻出公司了。。。。
我公司的Pole-mounted pruner需要EC-type 测报或证书,这个证书刚拿到的,有问题? 我还是不太理解啊。我公司的资格老点的工程师说,产品属于高危,要这个型式检测的,还说Examination 和 Approval一样的。
我的理解是,Examination 和 Approval 是各个认证公司的叫法不一样,实质一样的。
发表于 2011-9-8 18:13
引用第10楼zfbing于2011-09-08 17:42发表的:
kerve 很危险哇,我贴了个证书他就翻出公司了。。。。
我公司的Pole-mounted pruner需要EC-type 测报或证书,这个证书刚拿到的,有问题? 我还是不太理解啊。我公司的资格老点的工程师说,产品属于高危,要这个型式检测的,还说Examination 和 Approval一样的。
MD = Machinery Directive机械指令 (现在的版本是2006/42/EC)
EC-type approval 和EC-type exmination 是不一样的东东. EC-type approval是在车辆中会用到的(70/156/EEC, 2002/24/EC), 就我知道MD机械指令是没有这个叫法的
为什么是高危产品?是不是根据"Devices for the lifting of persons or of persons and goods involving a hazard of falling from a vertical height of more than three metres" ? 如果是的话, 那就是Annix IV产品, 要EC-type examination certificate
发表于 2011-9-8 18:31
还有Intertek Germany只能发下面产品的EC-type examination certificate, 如果你的Pole-mounted pruner是归在17. Devices for the lifting of persons or of persons and goods involving a hazard of falling from a vertical height of more than three metres.的, 那Intertek是没资格发EC-type exmination certificate的
Intertek Germany能发EC-type examination的范围
1.1. Circular saws (single- or multi-blade) - sawing machinery with fixed blade(s) during cutting, having a fixed bed or support with manual feed of the workpiece or with a demountable power feed - for working with wood and material with similar physical characteristics or for working with meat and material with similar physical characteristics
1.2. Circular saws (single- or multi-blade) - sawing machinery with fixed blade(s) during cutting, having a manually operated reciprocating saw-bench or carriage - for working with wood and material with similar physical characteristics or for working with meat and material with similar physical characteristics
1.3. Circular saws (single- or multi-blade) - sawing machinery with fixed blade(s) during cutting, having a built-in mechanical feed device for the workpieces, with manual loading and/or unloading - for working with wood and material with similar
physical characteristics or for working with meat and material with similar physical characteristics
1.4. Circular saws (single- or multi-blade) - sawing machinery with movable blade(s) during cutting, having mechanical
movement of the blade, with manual loading and/or unloading - for working with wood and material with similar physical
characteristics or for working with meat and material with similar physical characteristics
2. Hand-fed surface planing machinery for woodworking
3. Thicknessers for one-side dressing having a built-in mechanical feed device, with manual loading and/or unloading
for woodworking
4.1. Band-saws with manual loading and/or unloading - sawing machinery with fixed blade(s) during cutting, having a fixed or reciprocating-movement bed or support for the workpiece - for working with wood and material with similar physical
characteristics or for working with meat and material with similar physical characteristics
4.2. Band-saws with manual loading and/or unloading - sawing machinery with blade(s) assembled on a carriage with
reciprocating motion - for working with wood and material with similar physical characteristics or for working with meat and
material with similar physical characteristics
5. Combined machinery of the types referred to in points 1 to 4 and in point 7 for working with wood and material with similar physical characteristics
6. Hand-fed tenoning machinery with several tool holders for woodworking
7. Hand-fed vertical spindle moulding machinery for working with wood and material with similar physical characteristics
8. Portable chainsaws for woodworking
16. Vehicle servicing lifts
发表于 2011-9-8 19:13
Intertek UK可以发, 所以看看是那发的证书先
发表于 2011-9-12 17:14
引用第7楼kerve于2011-09-08 16:11发表的:
MD中是没有EC-type approval的, ITS在这张证书中绝对是瞎搞. 如果是我的话一定会把这张证书枪毙掉的
ITS再怎么样也是一个有公告号的NB,对于MD附录IV的高危产品,ITS也不敢胡来的,他们应该清楚知道附录IV产品的危险性,至少附录IV产品在欧洲还是很受关注的。ITS叫做EC-type approval也不是不行,关键是产品评估的流程是符合附录IV产品的评估流程就没有问题了。
发表于 2011-9-12 18:37
发表于 2011-9-13 09:47
引用第14楼tauyer于2011-09-12 17:14发表的:
ITS再怎么样也是一个有公告号的NB,对于MD附录IV的高危产品,ITS也不敢胡来的,他们应该清楚知道附录IV产品的危险性,至少附录IV产品在欧洲还是很受关注的。ITS叫做EC-type approval也不是不行,关键是产品评估的流程是符合附录IV产品的评估流程就没有问题了。
唉, 无话可说....................................作技术的有一个要求就是要一丝不苟......
发表于 2011-9-30 16:28
这是张Dangerous Machines的EC-Type证书,先看证书有没有把NB写上,还有写的文字的内容是不是说的只是保存文件,这样做一般是不正规的。危险机械要国外审核机构来现场审核或国外机构给你公司工程师授权的资质才能去审核机器的,一般这样的资质是很难拿到的,要经过很多次培训的。
发表于 2011-9-30 16:37
发表于 2011-9-30 17:11
挖 真是非常有用的討論
小弟對機械指令不熟 不過透過瀏覽也大概了解一番