如何理解软体填充玩具 ASTMF 963 ,填充材料洁净度?
如何理解软体填充玩具 ASTMF963 ,填充材料洁净度?其中4.2材料质量,Loose fillers for stuffed toys shall be free of objectionable matter originating
from insect, bird,rodent, or other animal infestation and of contaminants, such as splinters and
metal chips to the extent possible in good manufacturing practice.
不妨大家讨论一下。 材料清洁度测试ASTM F963内包括两个方面:
1. Material of sufficient size to visibly reveal a pattern, weave or other mechanical unification of
threads to indicate prior use of a previous manufacturing process.
2. Dirt and/or other foreign matter in excess of one percent (1%) by weight.
3. More than one percent (1%) oil or grease.
4. More than 0.002% lead as (Pb) - (20 parts per million).
5. More than 0.0002% arsenic - (2 parts per million).
6. More than 5.0% ammonia.
7. More than 1.0% urea.
8. Plastic or metal ornaments such as eyes, nose, etc., not of a safe design or not attached to the
stuffed toys in such manner as to prevent removal.
9. Stones or other hard materials having jagged or sharp edges.
10. Material bearing electrostatic charge with adherence characteristics which when exposed could
lodge in the windpipe, ears or nostrils.
11. Filing material which surface burns at a rate of less than three (3) seconds for twelve (12) square
inches... 学习了 追问一下:什么情况下做AOAC的材料清洁度测试呢? 引用第1楼szjames于2011-12-07 17:35发表的:
材料清洁度测试ASTM F963内包括两个方面:
有没有“宾夕法尼亚州关于填充玩具清洁度”要求测试11项物质,标准或者方法共享一下?谢谢这位大侠 宾夕法尼亚州关于填充玩具的规定 引用第5楼szjames于2011-12-08 12:57发表的:
怎么下载之后不是PDF格式的? 怎么可能呢?
Re:如何理解软体填充玩具 ASTMF  963 ,填充材料洁净度?
引用第3楼东拼西凑于2011-12-08 09:23发表的:追问一下:什么情况下做AOAC的材料清洁度测试呢?
AOAC是什么? szjames 发表于 2011-12-7 17:35 static/image/common/back.gif
材料清洁度测试ASTM F963内包括两个方面:
1、如果是玩具化妆品或是玩具上的液体、浆糊、涂层、凝固胶等可接 ...