这个耐压耐压测试仪期间核查用什么方法比较好呀?用定值电阻点检法 运行检查也叫期间核查,是指的在校准周期内定期设置的故障条件,判别功能是否正常。
对于耐压测试仪其实可以比较简单,只要在设定的电压下将表笔短接看是否报警就可以了。 论坛有贴子已有说明,自己搜索下吧 百度也可以搜啊 Prior to the test, the sensitivity of the dielectric tester - which indicates breakdown - was adjusted to indicate a breakdown when the tester was connected to a 120,000-ohm load. The applied voltage was started at zero, increased to the final value, and held at that value for the one minute. Prior to the test, the sensitivity of the dielectric tester - which indicates breakdown - was adjusted to indicate a breakdown when the tester was connected to a 120,000-ohm load. The applied voltage was started at zero, increased to the final value, and held at that value for the one minute. 表笔直接短接没现在不认可了,要用电阻法治具点检 3C审厂和KTL审厂都要求的是用电阻法 问一下第三方校准机构就行了