catfelix 发表于 2012-1-31 10:32


1. Don't Chase Anyone    "Guys are like subway trains. Don't run after them; another one is on its way." —canuck, on
    不要追着男人跑:男人就像是地铁列车一样,不要追着一辆跑,因为下一辆马上就会进站的。—— canuck 《魅力》
    2. Don't Waste Your Time
    "If he says he isn't ready for a relationship, believe him." —Kerri Otto, 32, Traverse City, Mich.
    不要浪费时间:当一个男人对你说他还没有准备好投入一段感情的时候,请你一定要相信他!—— kerri otto
    3. Long-Term Litmus Test
    "Marry someone you want to sit next to for the rest of your life." —Megan Smollins, 26, Astoria, N.Y.
    长期试金石:嫁给一个你想下半生都配在他身边的人。—— Megan Smollins
    4. Heed Your Grandparents
    "My grandfather had some gems: 'Don't be with a stupid man just to be with any man.' 'A real man always takes care of his family.' 'You don't want to be walked over, and you don't want a man you can walk over, either.' And my favorite: 'Don't be a fool, Michelle. You can be anything you want, but don't be a fool.'" —Michelle Porter, 28, Charlotte, N.C.
    听从老人的劝告:“不要为了只是想找一个男朋友而跟一个傻男人在一起。”“一个真正的男人在任何时候都会照顾到他的家人。”“你不想被别人牵着鼻子走,但你也绝对不想找一个能被你牵着鼻子走的男人!”“你可以成为你想成为的一切,但是不要成为一个傻瓜!”—— Michelle Porter
    5. The Necessity of Laughter
    "Don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh." —Maya Angelou
    笑声的必要性:一定不要去相信一个吝啬笑容的人。 —— Maya Angelou

catfelix 发表于 2012-1-31 10:33

Don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh." —Maya Angelou
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