科学家欲建巨型太空轨道发电厂 可满足全球用电需求
http://himg2.huanqiu.com/attachment2010/111116/0d3c2849b9.jpgHarvesting the sun's abundant energy from space could provide a cost-effective way to meet the world's power needs, a group of international scientists have said.Orbiting power plants capable of collecting solar energy and beaming it to Earth appear “technically feasible” within a decade or two based on technologies now in the laboratory, it has been claimed.
“It is clear that solar power delivered from space could play a tremendously important role in meeting the global need for energy during the 21st Century,” a study group of the Paris-headquartered International Academy of Astronautics said.
The study, which was led by John Mankins, a 25-year Nasa veteran , was billed as the first international assessment of potential ways of collecting solar energy in space and delivering it to Earth via wireless power transmission.
Some scientists believe that space solar power is a potential long-term energy solution for Earth.
The idea is to put first one, then a few, and later scores of solar-powered satellites in orbit over the equator.
Each will be as wide as several kilometers across and the spacecraft would collect sunlight up to 24 hours a day.
The power would be converted to electricity on-board the spacecraft and sent to wherever it is needed on Earth by a large microwave-transmitting antenna or by lasers, then fed into a power grid.
如果真的建成了,会不会影响正常的太阳照射哦 有没有那个航空能力保护啊 外星人来了。。。。 有没有那个航空能力保护啊 外星人来了。。。。 茶馆 发表于 2012-3-23 13:45 static/image/common/back.gif
有没有那个航空能力保护啊 外星人来了。。。。
这个还有待进步。。 为什么我总觉得科学家考虑问题像小孩一样
然后,大家都坐在家里吹空调:loveliness: VerDaNa 发表于 2012-3-23 15:24 static/image/common/back.gif
将太空的太阳光全收集进来,地球能源是增多了,可是地球也更热 ...
收集进来的是电能不是热能,所以不会这么热吧 :loveliness:我就觉得,科学家研究出来了东西就科学家,研究东西没结果那就是精神病。 :lol:lol:lol 用什么传输下来和接收啊 目前来说难度太大。