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Time flies...

热度 5已有 532 次阅读2014-8-15 11:48 |系统分类:生活

As time being, I've worked for my current employer for 4 years as of today.
And this is the longest one for all my employers...Go back to the first day of the this company, I only can say, time flies, so fast, and I am getting older and older, maybe this is my last employer unless I was fired someday...






发表评论 评论 (9 个评论)

回复 jsspace 2014-8-15 11:50
回复 Nezof 2014-8-15 11:54
回复 H-RH 2014-8-15 12:20
May be it is too early to draw conclusion since 4 years is not a long period when compare with your career life.
回复 Andy.Yang 2014-8-15 12:38
jsspace: 看来你们公司的待遇很好,求介绍
Not in this way, just cause I am older and do not have much more capabilities...
回复 Andy.Yang 2014-8-15 12:39
H-RH: May be it is too early to draw conclusion since 4 years is not a long period when compare with your career life.
almost occupy 1/3 of my working experience, and could be more in the future, so I had this conclusion here, and that's my real thoughts...
回复 Andy.Yang 2014-8-15 12:40
Nezof: 还以为你在听医生的歌呢
No, just with the same name...
回复 jjlamshushushu 2014-8-15 13:46
Andy,If you keep your present occupation and employer, what will happen in the future?
回复 Andy.Yang 2014-8-18 10:57
jjlamshushushu: Andy,If you keep your present occupation and employer, what will happen in the future?
who knows...
回复 柴米油盐酱醋茶 2014-8-19 14:04
Nothing down, nothing up

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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